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About me.

Ima Torres trained as an actress in Bogotá, Colombia, and when she finished her training, she began to wander, to spin her search, wondering what moves her forward. And so she goes, joining pieces of every word, of every stitch, of every sound, of every body with which she comes into contact and which leaves her something, which transforms her always and forever.


She longs for poetry in all its manifestations, she investigates the possibilities that emerge from ruin, from the pieces that seem to be the end but are also the beginning of something, of an unexpected and revealing game. He is interested in the cages that open, the doors that close, the crack in the wall.


She wants to sculpt ideas with others, by others and for others, to give birth to the impossible.


She is a curious creator. Sometimes she acts, but mainly she lives from her hands, from what they write, from the photos they take, from the caresses they offer and the threads they thread in the tapestry of life.

And so it goes.                                                                                                      Sailing.

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